God Bless You

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Speech Challenge

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Eph. 4:29

Did you ever meet someone who acted like there was a prize for finding the most fault with others? They criticize their mannerisms, their choice in clothing, what they say, their homes, their yards, their jobs, the way they practice their faith, their families, their looks, their hairstyles, you name it. They are on a treasure hunt for the faults of everyone around them and they are very good at finding them. The Bible calls this a critical spirit. They criticize out of habit and rarely have a word of praise for anyone.

The Bible says we are to build one another up. Fault finding does just the opposite of that, it tears people down.

How can we build one another up according to their needs? We can start by going on a treasure hunt for what is good and right in others. Honest praise and positive affirmations should be spoken often unless the person is uncomfortable with them. Then they should be done in such a manner so as not to embarass. Everybody likes to hear what they are doing right.

Sometimes a person is sinning or doing something that isn't right. It is not wrong to talk to them about it if they are open to listening and to change. This is not done to criticize but to help and these instances should be rare. It should also be done with tact and diplomacy. If the person is not open to change or if they do not respect you, it is just a waste of breath and time. It is better to say nothing and leave it to those in charge. Prayer is always warranted. The Lord can work miracles.

Want to know if you have a critical spirit? Try this. How long can you go without saying anything negative about or criticizing anyone or anything? One week? One day? Twelve hours? One hour? Ten minutes?

If you try it, write and let me know how you do. For most it is harder than it looks.

Law and Forgiveness

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Eph. 4:32

A young man with drug resistant TB rode on some airplanes recently. He said he was told there was no danger to other passengers. Now there is a different story and fellow passengers are being advised to get tested for TB.

The following quote hit me as being a sad reflection on our society.
“I don’t expect for people to ever forgive me. I just hope that they understand that I truly never meant to put them in harm,” he said, his voice cracking.

The young man is a lawyer. He regularly sees the dark side of people, the greed and bitterness. Even some who call themselves Christians fall into this trap. They refuse to forgive even though the Bible says, if they do not, the Lord will not forgive them. So sad.

How much better the example of the Amish people who forgave the milkman who murdered their children and even helped the family afterwards.

We live in a lost and hurting society, in a lost and hurting world. We need to pray for one another and keep from being among the greedy and unforgiving. It's a very hard thing to do but we must.

Katrina Aftermath

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you." John 14:27

Doctors are reporting that people in New Orleans are still feeling stress and depression stemming from hurricane Katrina. They feel that this is killing some people and it is why the death rate is up 25%.

There certainly is a lot of stress in recovering from something as massive as that hurricane. Many have taken advantage of the storm victims. Repairs that have been promised have not been done. Properties have been bought out and reasonable housing is no longer readily available. Those who had money bought the property and have greatly inflated the price so it is no longer affordable for the lower income resident.

New Orleans had many problems before the hurricane hit. The rates of both poverty and crime were very high. A large number of the population practiced the occult. Certain parts were known for and praised for drunkenness, sexual immorality, lust, and many other behaviors regarded as sinful in the Bible. A segment of New Orleans was, and still is, proud of that reputation.

I can't help but wonder if a large percentage of those who are in depression and have no hope are also those who do not know the Lord, especially those who have rejected Him in favor of things like the occult, alcoholism and sexual immorality. For them there would be no good news in Christ. There is no supportive Christian community to turn to. They will not turn to the Lord who can give them comfort and peace. They have only fear, stress and an increase in the possibility of mental illness. The Bible says the devil comes to kill and destroy and that's what's happening it appears.

Christians can also have troubles and depression and could be overcome by it (particularly if they have always suffered from clinical depression or other mental illnesses), but they also have a hope that others cannot have. They have access to the support of a Christian community to encourage and help them. While it sounds like nonsense to unbelievers, turning to the Lord gives believers internal peace and comfort to deal with whatever comes their way.

The people of New Orleans need our prayers. There are way too many lost and hurting people. It doesn't matter what the government does to help them. The fix will only be temporary. Fear and depression are often the result of chosen lifestyles, so they will not go away for the lost. The peace of Christ only comes with salvation.