God Bless You

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Your Life Matters

The following quote from Oswald Chambers states:

"A river touches places of which its source knows nothing,
and Jesus says, if we have received of His fullness,
however small the visual measure of our lives,
out of us will flow the rivers
that will bless to the uttermost parts of the earth.
We have nothing to do with the outflow -
'The work of God is this: to believe...'
God rarely allows a soul to see how great a blessing he is."

Perhaps someone especially needs this thought today.

This was posted on the Cumberlist this week. Every life touches the lives of others, for good or for bad. The difference is sometimes only the intent of the heart, whether conscouis or subconscious.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Small Blessings Are Big

It is early July and several onion sets were still in the little sack, unplanted. It rained this morning and it is supposed to rain again later today but I decided to go out and plant the remaining onion sets in my small, raised bed garden. They may only get small, but small can be tasty, and they will not grow at all if they stay in the bag.

Ben came out and talked to me while I planted them. It was overcast, but, as we talked, the sun came out and it was intense. For reasons beyond my control, I find the hot sun uncomfortable, more so than most. My son isn't that fond of it either.

He said he was going to go in because it was getting very hot. I kept planting because I wanted to finish. As I was bent over working, the sun was still bright but I felt cooler all of a sudden. My son had taken the patio umbrella and stuck it in the soft ground near me to shade me before going in. It made a world of difference.

I am so blessed to have Ben as my son. He is a kind and thoughtful person.

The Lord has blessed me/us with our sons. Both boys are kind and helpful. Zach has helped me many times this week when I have asked and so has Ben.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Japanese Train rides

I have such good memories of the trip we took. Today I was describing riding on the trains in Japan and showing my son some pictures in a book on Japan. The trains are fast, they are efficient and they are pretty. We need something like that here.

Almost every ride was good but one was unique. I sat down on a fairly crowded train next to a guy who had gas. Our ride lasted between 45 minutes and an hour that day. Then a guy stood in front of me and held the little ring overhead to keep his balance. He forgot to use deodorant and had body odor. Between the two of them, the air on that trip did not smell very good.

My son and I were in a coffee shop and the ladies at the next table heard what I was telling him and started laughing out loud. They apologized but it was okay with me. That was just one of those unique experiences we have sometimes. I still like the concept of the trains.