I've been looking through Proverbs for verses about money. There are many there, but I'm not finding anything that goes along with my thoughts.
A couple of days ago at a bookstore I saw a Personal finance book that said on the cover that the rich know it's not just about earning money, it's about keeping more of what you earn. I like that idea. It must be my Scottish ancestry coming out. I'm not rich and I have my doubts as to whether I ever will be unless the Lord wills it. I think I was put on the earth for other things, like helping others and doing God's will.
I get pretty quirky in the eyes of some people. (They just don't know any better.)
I pick up pennies and other change on the ground.
... check machines to see if anybody forgot their change.
However, if a cashier gives me too much money or I see someone drop some money or I find a wallet, I give it back.
One of the things that has left my less frugal friends shaking their heads for many years is that I take home any unused paper napkins from restaurants and use them at home (they are just going to throw them away). It saves me a few dollars a year.
... eat leftovers. I freeze anything that we can't eat before it spoils, usually in single portion sizes for the guys' lunches.
.. save all those little packets of extra catsup, other condiments, candies and crackers. I used to use them but now I bundle them and give them to the food pantry usually. Same with motel soaps and shampoos.
... use coupons and send for rebates.
... fix things rather than buy new ones.
... cut the guys' hair.
... wear things out.
... look for the sales, discounts and freebies. All of my ink pens were freebies with advertising.
... attend free public events and go to free tourist sights when we travel.
This is only a little bit of what I do. It might be fun to write a book about it some day.
It is interesting that this is the way rich people are sometimes too. They are careful even in the small things. (I am well aware there is much more to it than that.) There are many people around me who are very good at making money. If they were as careful as I have been, they might be rich. Being careful can extend to big things as well as small ones. It all matters.
Even though I enjoy thinking about such things, in God's eyes net worth is not an important thing. He wants to know if we love Him and are serving Him. He wants to know if we love our neighbor and take care of our family. He wants to know if we are obedient to His word. God is most interested in what is in our heart. Rich or poor doesn't matter as much. It is neither bad nor good in and of itself. Our treasure in heaven matters a lot more in the long run.
It's like life. The big things we, and others, do get all of the attention, but it is the little day to day things we do that make a very big difference over time. It's the little things that build a life. Sometimes it is the small things that can change lives for others or even the course of history. I love the principle of the "butterfly effect". The flapping of a butterfly's wings on one side of the world can lead to a chain of events that can influence the weather patterns on the other side of the world. One little person, doing what they can faithfully, even though they are very small, really can change the world.
These thoughts are somewhat random. I think I'll go start that book.